We Are The Experts In Handling Seed and Grain.

For over 20 years Johnson Seed & Grain Services has been implementing solutions to help simplify the movement of seed and grain. Since 2001 we have been working with farmers, elevators, ethanol plants, feed companies, seed companies, salvage companies, and more all over the Midwest. What we specialize in is the handling of seed from the farm to the plant. Our seed and grain handling services are specifically designed to help increase dependability, efficiency, productivity, profitability, and safety for seed companies. JSGS can assist you with grain vaccing, probing, trucking, dispatching, and consulting. We are truly a one stop shop for all your seed and grain handling needs. Our main facility is located in Central Iowa and we have begun expansion into Northern Illinois. As our service area grows we are looking to add new locations across the Midwest.


Johnson Seed & Grain Services is capable of helping you with all of your seed and grain handling needs. Whether you need dispatching, probing, trucking, or vaccing JSGS can help you get the job done right and on time.

Seed Company Program

Johnson Seed & Grain Services has programs specifically designed to help increase efficiency, reliability, productivity, and profitability for seed companies. Click below to find out more on how we can help you in these areas.

Vac Rentals

Johnson Seed & Grain Services offer self-powered pull type grain vac rentals for commercial and non-commercial use. Our fleet of rental vacs are capable of picking up corn, soybeans, oats, rice, and wheat.

Our History

In 2001, Eric and Kenny Johnson bought their first semi-tractor and grain hopper. The goal was to help create supplemental income for their farming operation. Shortly after this purchase they started belting and hauling seed beans for a local seed company. Five years later they added the first grain vac to the mix. Little did they know the impact this purchase would have on their seed handling future.

After Eric bought out Kenny in 2012, Johnson Seed & Grain Services was officially born. Today JSGS employs over 30 full and part time employees and operates multiple grain vacs and semis. They dispatch, haul, probe, and vac seed for the major seed companies, haul fertilizer for several commercial accounts, and provide vac and trucking services to many local farmers, elevators and ethanol plants.

We want to thank all of our customers for entrusting us with their seed and grain handling solutions. Without you none of this would have been possible. 

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